Tuesday’s heavy rain has caused havoc across the whole of Yorkshire as water leaks through into people homes.

A conversation with a property landlord in Wakefield established that two of his properties now suffered with damp issues, caused by the water being unable to run off the roof due to blocked gutters. Unfortunately, this time of the year is notorious for roofing problems. Due to the season, leave fall off the trees and collect in the guttering of lower level buildings. This then prevents the water that collects on the roof from finding the intended way off the roof, and it instead tries to find more natural ways through weak points which lead to an array of roofing problems.

Also, due to the dry period we have had in recent weeks, the volume of rain within a two hour period was just so heavy that roofs could not take the brunt of the rain. In Royston a garage roof gave way due to the weight of the water on a particular weak point within the structure, causing thousands of pounds of water damage to a vintage car inside.

Our Roofing teams are warning people to take precautions now as more heavy rain is anticipated throughout the rest of the year. Whether you may think your roof is fine, it is worth checking yourself or getting a professional roofing company like ourselves out to conduct a full survey. Even if it is just some minor gutter clearing that needs attending to, it could save you thousands of pounds in the long run.

If you would like to know more information about how our roofing company can help homeowners across west Yorkshire, including Huddersfield, Wakefield, Huddersfield, and Pontefract and in Barnsley in South Yorkshire, please call one of our teams today. You can also find some top tips on our website to help you carry out initial prevention procedures straight away.

Don’t get caught out this winter through negligence on your roof maintenance, so do it now before it is too late.